This is the scariest Siren Head game I've played by far. The setting is too immersive with the looming threat of Si hiding near every tree. I like the shooting mechanics and everything moves functionally. Unfortunately the game glitched WAY too hard for me no matter what and it ruined the experience with invisible Siren Heads and instant death here and there.
Pero tengo una pc con componentes buenos y creo que el juego me debería correr normal, mas no es así
Sobretodo no se si es un error o que, pero creo que soy el único al que le sale como una niebla y el juego no se ve como en las fotos, y eso que le puse todo a full
Sadly I am unable to play this game. I have a Ryzen 5 2600X and an RX 5700 (all drivers updated) but the game is unresponsive. I can watch the logo sequence at the beginning but after that it is just a transparent window that needs to be closed with task manager. I'm really impressed by the game nonetheless and I know that my error is probably an edge case so keep up the good work! (I'd be too scared to finish it anyway)
I actually rewatched my own play through and the comments here are spot on. There are some huge issues/bugs that if fixed will make this into a superb game. Jump to 17:49 to see rage quit and feedback on game.
Huge problem: No Checkpoints and you cannot skip the opening credits or tutorial pop ups. Second issue: I was in the tower, Sirenhead ran into the tower, turned invisible and killed me. Invisible Sirenhead is reoccuring. Third Issue: If you are sprinting while holding your rifle, you cannot use it. Even if you stop and walk, it will act like you're running and won't fire. You put it away and bring it back out and it still won't work. Fourth Issue: you get stuck on everything. Fifth Issue: there's more than one Sirenhead which makes this game seemingly impossible to beat if they can all turn invisible. Sixth issue: It teleports around the map. Seventh Issue: it is faster than you and trees do not impede it's movement. It looks good, it sounds good, it just plays terribly. 2/10, Don't recommend in it's current state.
This game is broken. I started the game, and I just start getting hit by nothing, out of nowhere, and as soon as I get the rifle, boom, I'm dead by NOTHING. I recorded it, but I was so disappointed to the point that I got rid of the video. Please fix this game. Get beta testers to test out the game before releasing it, so that way you can figure out the issues, fix them.
Let me start by saying that this game had great potential, both in terms of atmosphere and execution of certain elements such as the map and some puzzles.
But the shooting, the UI and the frequent death without check point really got me rage quitting. I may revisit if things get update, also I might have played an earlier version. Great game otherwise and a worth addition to Siren Head
Hi. I've been following this game for a while now, and I'm very sad to see it move down from #1 on browse to #2. I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me if there are going to be any more updates, thanks.
just got done playing this an the atmosphere is great , siren head is great i did have some deaths from some invisible siren head but all in all good game and here it is the first vid for my new channel
This game is really great and absolutely terrifying! Great job with it! But I did experience dying or getting injured when nothing was there and not being prompted to move to the next objective.Because of this, I wasn't able to make it to the end of the game (that, paired with the fact that I probably suck haha). But still amazing game. I'm excited to try again once it's updated. The video for this game starts at 4:47 if you're interested:
I'm not sure if my game glitched out or if you just can't win. This was a very good game I see a lot of potential in it, great game I hope to see more of it in the future!
After like 13 attempts to complete the game (I'm just bad at games) I'm getting killed by phantom Siren Heads lol. Lovely game but I can't complete it without dying out of no where.
Game was ok. It was just hard for the game to activate the next objective when I am literally on the current objective. That and I had some pretty cheap deaths. Otherwise, game looks great and plays decently.
So I did it. After seeing His name pop up everywhere. After hearing the pleas of his victims. After pushing the thoughts aside day after day... I finally played siren head. Growing up I had a Terrible fear of storms. More Specifically, a sheer panic that completely controlled my body the second I heard the sound of an emergency broadcast system or siren. So naturally I did everything I could to ignore his call. To decline invite after invite into his ominous playground. But as all things do, my Will was broken. I caved. And I nearly died of a heart attack because of it. I hope you all enjoy my video.
Is anyone having problems with themselves keep getting killed from the start of the game?? When i first started it worked fine! But then when i had to restart from the beginning, before getting the gun i was just randomly getting killed, is this normal?
This is definitely one of the best Siren Head games out there but unfortunately I ran it tons of random deaths. I think I almost got to the end on my last try before it bugged out and Siren Head killed me.
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Be warned In my playthrough Siren Head has gained superpowers...
YouTube: MrMBenting be sure to subscribe If you enjoy. I have a playlist as well just dedicated to the beast himself.
What's The Button to Shoot the Riffle?
Left mouse click
This is the scariest Siren Head game I've played by far. The setting is too immersive with the looming threat of Si hiding near every tree. I like the shooting mechanics and everything moves functionally. Unfortunately the game glitched WAY too hard for me no matter what and it ruined the experience with invisible Siren Heads and instant death here and there.
Hola, el juego esta genial
Pero tengo una pc con componentes buenos y creo que el juego me debería correr normal, mas no es así
Sobretodo no se si es un error o que, pero creo que soy el único al que le sale como una niebla y el juego no se ve como en las fotos, y eso que le puse todo a full
Great gameeee
I might have found a dead-alive glitch? Completely terrifying!
(Subscribe today to keep Siren Heads away!)
Great work on this one but I kept getting killed after leaving the ranger tower.
did u press z at all
honestly this site doesn't deserve this game. its too good. would definitely be awesome if a second part was made. ;)
Sadly I am unable to play this game. I have a Ryzen 5 2600X and an RX 5700 (all drivers updated) but the game is unresponsive. I can watch the logo sequence at the beginning but after that it is just a transparent window that needs to be closed with task manager. I'm really impressed by the game nonetheless and I know that my error is probably an edge case so keep up the good work! (I'd be too scared to finish it anyway)
This was super cool, Siren Head's sounds were super creepy. I didn't finish the game, but I enjoyed playing it.
This isn't sirenhead wtf?
I actually rewatched my own play through and the comments here are spot on. There are some huge issues/bugs that if fixed will make this into a superb game. Jump to 17:49 to see rage quit and feedback on game.
Huge problem: No Checkpoints and you cannot skip the opening credits or tutorial pop ups. Second issue: I was in the tower, Sirenhead ran into the tower, turned invisible and killed me. Invisible Sirenhead is reoccuring. Third Issue: If you are sprinting while holding your rifle, you cannot use it. Even if you stop and walk, it will act like you're running and won't fire. You put it away and bring it back out and it still won't work. Fourth Issue: you get stuck on everything. Fifth Issue: there's more than one Sirenhead which makes this game seemingly impossible to beat if they can all turn invisible. Sixth issue: It teleports around the map. Seventh Issue: it is faster than you and trees do not impede it's movement. It looks good, it sounds good, it just plays terribly. 2/10, Don't recommend in it's current state.
Exactly my issues.
This game is broken. I started the game, and I just start getting hit by nothing, out of nowhere, and as soon as I get the rifle, boom, I'm dead by NOTHING.
I recorded it, but I was so disappointed to the point that I got rid of the video.
Please fix this game. Get beta testers to test out the game before releasing it, so that way you can figure out the issues, fix them.
Game works perfectly fine for me. Maybe check your GPU/CPU usage and RAM too?
No, it's nothing to do with my GPU/CPU. The game runs smooth.
It's just the game itself is broken in so many ways.
Invisible Sirenheads, Unexpected deaths, Sirenheads appearing too early in the game, etc.
I absolutely love this. A checkpoint system would be nice, but other than that, this game is perfect. Definitely my favorite game on this site.
Sharing my playthrough in Japanese! Dude, it was scary! Thank you. 日本語で実況しました!とてもこわかったです!
Let me start by saying that this game had great potential, both in terms of atmosphere and execution of certain elements such as the map and some puzzles.
But the shooting, the UI and the frequent death without check point really got me rage quitting. I may revisit if things get update, also I might have played an earlier version. Great game otherwise and a worth addition to Siren Head
Hi. I've been following this game for a while now, and I'm very sad to see it move down from #1 on browse to #2. I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me if there are going to be any more updates, thanks.
Are ya coding son?
just got done playing this an the atmosphere is great , siren head is great i did have some deaths from some invisible siren head but all in all good game and here it is the first vid for my new channel
Seriously needs more work, keep getting killed by Sirenheads that aren't there and even on potato settings it doesn't run very well.
This game is really great and absolutely terrifying! Great job with it! But I did experience dying or getting injured when nothing was there and not being prompted to move to the next objective.Because of this, I wasn't able to make it to the end of the game (that, paired with the fact that I probably suck haha). But still amazing game. I'm excited to try again once it's updated. The video for this game starts at 4:47 if you're interested:
You so funny man! i like HAHA
Haha aw thank you!
This is the best siren head game I have played so far. I'm really looking forward to the whole game when it comes out :D
I tell you what, that Siren boy wanted me dead a lot. Good ambiance and an interesting direction. ^-^
This is the scariest siren head game I've ever played! Great job on making an awesome game!
Couldn't help myself and have some fun with some of the bugs in former versions :D
8:47 Sirenhead by Isolation Interactive in
and when the games will be optimized
when is the new update
After like 13 attempts to complete the game (I'm just bad at games) I'm getting killed by phantom Siren Heads lol. Lovely game but I can't complete it without dying out of no where.
Game was ok. It was just hard for the game to activate the next objective when I am literally on the current objective. That and I had some pretty cheap deaths. Otherwise, game looks great and plays decently.
Here's my channel for other games I have played.
So I did it. After seeing His name pop up everywhere. After hearing the pleas of his victims. After pushing the thoughts aside day after day... I finally played siren head. Growing up I had a Terrible fear of storms. More Specifically, a sheer panic that completely controlled my body the second I heard the sound of an emergency broadcast system or siren. So naturally I did everything I could to ignore his call. To decline invite after invite into his ominous playground. But as all things do, my Will was broken. I caved. And I nearly died of a heart attack because of it. I hope you all enjoy my video.
THIS GAME AUDIO WAS SCARY enough to almost Sh*t my pants
Is anyone having problems with themselves keep getting killed from the start of the game?? When i first started it worked fine! But then when i had to restart from the beginning, before getting the gun i was just randomly getting killed, is this normal?
Second game in the video. Thanks for the game!