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I loved the graphics and the sound effects (especially the ice-cream van), but I didn't enjoy that they could reach through walls to get me! 😂


Did I stumble across a Siren Head nest?? haha I found a few of those lamp heads just hanging out in the brush! As most said, especially Mark, this game holds a lot of potential. It's a wonderful spin using the spooky Siren Head creature. The only things I found to be flaws were: the ending seems a little lackluster and abrupt, and why does every tiny twig have to completely hold me back? Regardless tho, still an awesome experience!

Great work!

This is truly amazing!

Was this officially supported by the creator of Sirenhead?


This is a really cool game and it's under editing mean while. .

(2 edits) (-1)

This is definitely the best Siren Head game to date.That was a huge twist to have multiple Siren Heads. Don't let anyone take your throne!

Unfortunately in this game play I wasn't able to finish because the game bugged out but it was still fun to play.

How can we find out about new updates?

Syphorce Plays Siren Head


Siren head Confira o jogo!  Siren head Check out the game!


Didn't get that far but had lots of fun.Definitely going to play again (and hopefully not die).


Very Well! Let's see how far I go till Siren Head comes for my bum bum! 

I really love this game and will play it many times to look for certain things.  It's an amazing  horror game thus far for an indie series. 

I do not favor the lack of a checkpoint, but that's alright since there is so much to see! Ya never know when the big boi will show himself! 

There is one glitch where he appears out of nowhere when I got near the path to the tower, that scared me! <3 

(2 edits) (+1)

Well Well Well Sirenhead!
I got a gun and now you will have to RUN!
I seriously Love this game the atmosphere is just amazing! Yeah there are some quirks here and there but still just AWESOME Game!


Hidden Siren Head Game People! 




Hey ima fellow tiny youtuber that played this game! I screamed alot lol! Go check it out! Thank you!

Any chance we could get a copy of the project files? Im learning UE4 Dev and would love to break down something like this or even better get a tutorial. Thanks!


I keep dying for literally no reason. Even before I reach the camp at the beginning of the game, my screen will shake or red will flash on and I'll be killed by sirenhead when he can't even see me. Also, I was killed 3 times at the TOP of the tower by sirenhead even though his physical body is literally half of the size and he shouldn't be able to reach me.

It seems like a major bug, considering the amount of time since the last patch. Hope this is fixed, this game looks fantastic.


Please add checkpoint. im so angry restard from the begining. its long journey :(
Peace from indonesia


A fun game to play! Was good for a couple scares lol, mostly my own fear of being chased! Best Sirenhead game out tho!


What if siren head gets into the basement 

(1 edit) (-2)

The best Siren Head game but It is a touch buggy atm as my video shows would love a full release though! LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to support the channel


I loved this Siren head game but I wasn't sure how to progress once I got to the bridge. I'm guessing I should've laid down and given up? lol. It bugged out in the woods and I got stuck at the end, though deffo my favourite Siren Head game I've played so far! Keep it up!


Press R to look at your objective. Be sure to investigate the bloody tent at the campsite. It's one objective after another, all linked with each other.


Sooo I streamed the awesome game on twitch and I beat the game laying down xD. Do i deserve a metal or something for winning while trying to give up?


check my videos bruuiii

Im pretty sure we beat the game...


nice =D.

(1 edit) (-3)

I think this game really captures the horror experience and really gets you on your toes. Graphics are just what we wanted. However, like every game, there are some flaws that should be fixed.

After dying you shouldn't have to start over

Lots of bug issues with Siren Head

Checkpoints need to be established

If this happened it would be a 10/10 for sure! Best Siren Head game that has come out!


what the hell freddy is better


u suck




This is easily the best SirenHead game yet!

(3 edits) (-2)

My first thoughts were about how cool the game was! The noises were super creepy and the atmosphere was great. However, I couldn't complete the game because every time I went to the bridge, the objective marker never registered I was there.I was never prompted to do anything.



Hey Dev,

I love the atmosphere you created here, reminds me of the old slender games that everyone went crazy over. Of all the Siren Head games I saw in the last couple weeks, this is the best. So I included it in my Top 5 pick of games I played this past week! Keep up the great work!
- Elit3hoboguy

I believe you we're thinking of "Haunt the real Slender game" I agree 100%, this game gave great atmosphere


Game is completely bugged now.. tried playing it for a video and all I had was Siren Head glitching around the place and appearing in front of me when it wasn't suppose to be there.. what a shame I was looking forward to this game!!

same here, it's annoying.

yeah that keeps happening to me to, I literally can't progress and half the time I die before  I even get to the tower out of nowhere

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

After some testing in different versions, I finally got to finish it lol. Thanks a lot UndreamedPanic for your hard work, the game definitely has a way to go but everything you've made so far is really new and exciting, keep it up!


THANK YOU for a great SirenHead game! This is probably the best one I've seen yet! 


when trying to open the game I get the error:

"Couldn´t start. "Sirenhead/Binaries/Win64/Sirenhead-Win64-Shipping.exe". CreateProcess Returned 2

What I can do?

The same thing happened to me

Same here anytime I try to open it I just get an error


Does anyone know if their is an alternate ending to this?

Technically, yes - there are a few. Siren Head can drop you to your death or, on occasion, slam you into the ground. If you press 'z' when the option comes up, Siren Head will crawl (very quickly) straight at you and kill you. Other ways to die are from fall damage from the ranger's tower, Lamp Head can crush you, and you die in the water if you touch it. But the main endings are finding that Siren Head got to the cops before you did, and giving up. But, we did recently get news that UndreamedPanic is going to further continue the story once she(?) addresses the bugs and issues.


This was absolutely terrifying! Unfortunately for me, I played an older version of the game before the bridge objective bug was fixed, which made me a little sad, but overall, this game has an incredible atmosphere and is insanely scary. Great game!


Game was absolutely terrifying, its the most well done, immersive, and terrifying game i have ever played to date, i was short of breath because it was so scary. I love it!

is there a way to make this game not laggy


What's your PC specs?

my pc specs um 4gb ram 7th generation intel core i3 processor 16gb intel optane memory 1 terabyte of storage

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