This is great! I really like the feeling and atmosphere it gave off. Obviously there were one or two iffy areas, but overall it felt good. You captured the feeling of Trevor Henderson's art really well (I kept on expecting to see some of his other monsters in the woods - Long Horse, Cartoon Cat, etc - so props to you).
I watched Markiplier's and Jacksepticeye's video on this game and man is it awesome. I really like that music that plays in the menu. Anywhere I can find that?
Just wanted to ask for help again, my screen is still stretched even tho the resolution is 1080p and it became stretched when I clicked fullscreen. I can't change the setting anymore for some reason too, any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure if this is intended or not, v1.4.0,but at some points where I just started walking at the beginning or investigate the tent in the camp site, my character suddenly starts getting hurt by seemengly the air, and after a few hits, Siren Head appears right behind me and kills me. I'm not sure if I'm not doing a mechanic or if its a bug. But it's not letting me progress at all.
Im really looking forward to it, once I'm done recording I'll be sure to donate a little bit so the full game hopefully happens, its the best one yet! :D
Love the new update. The only problem I seem to have right now is the issue with siren head killing me literally anywhere on the map he is not. I can start the game and die immediately without even seeing him, bringing me to a spot not even close to where I was. I imagine this is an issue with hit detection for siren head in combination with a issue retaining to siren head's ability to detect the player.
From watching Youtuber IGP (IGP's vid) and (Markiplier's Vid) Markiplier's experiences , this is STILL exactly the way a game about this creature should be.
No good ending. Atmospheric to the point where you feel there. Absolutely wonderful design. I still love the classic game over screen when he gets to you, as a jump-scare that isn't cheaply played; but in my imagination there could be an animation of... your character looking up (slight smooth forced camera pan), and Sirenhead making a noise to fit the situation, then he slashes at you, then the screen turns 'Game over' then to black, you and your character scream as he beats you to death; all in the span of a few seconds...
...fading out for a few more. Back to the title screen. As sometimes he just stands over you. I got soo fucking into the game it was like real life, and that was dreadful. I try to get into the game whenever possible, and the specific way this game was created makes that super Easy! In short, This game is awesome, the creator is awesome...
This game looks amazing and deserves to be developed much more, and the creator deserves the funds to do so. I'm figuring out how to give this boi 50 bucks to help him out. I am enjoying this a lot! >:)
Thanks to everyone being patient while I update the game,
I am aware of some bugs and working hard to get things fixed!
I am also working on a Checkpoint system, its just kinda complicated and not ready in this update.
In the meantime I can only push small updates for minor gameplay
advantages and thus may not get to some bugs right away.
I am currently trying to make the current story even longer with
many more endings and mechanics as well so I dont want to take too
long but also dont want to rush this.
If you run it as an .exe and you get an error or it crashes,
Please update your NVIDIA Drivers as out-dated Drivers wont be
able to handle the d3d file and you will notice the game crashes
after the intro splash screen.
Okay.... so, this game looks great however I am running into one problem. I'm sure other people are having some kind of similar problem but if anyone could possibly help me, that would be great. Bear with me though, I am not very smart (hence the username)
So I went ahead and downloaded the game however I cannot get it to run. When I open the game, the credit sequence at the beginning plays, and then the game kind of freezes, and I receive the message in the screenshot included in this comment.
It stays frozen until I click on "OK", and then if I do that, the game crashes.
I haven't really had this issue with any other UE4 games and I've seen plenty of other people play it so I know other people are able to get it to work. It could be my computer, but then how come it only seems to happen with THIS SPECIFIC UE4 game?
The first thing I thought of was searching the issue, but I couldn't find any solutions that worked. I am on a laptop, so there were a lot of solutions that I couldn't use. I also do not own a NVIDIA GPU, which could be a big part of the issue.
A lot of the solutions were things I don't know how to do as well, probably because I use a laptop. Changing graphics cards, disabling overclocking, ect. Maybe I just don't have a good enough computer to handle the game?
I also tried unplugging the computer and opening the game, and opening the game with it plugged in. Still had the same problem either way. One thing I haven't tried is reinstalling the game, so maybe that might work.
If anyone could help me resolve this issue, I would much appreciate it.
I played your game and I had a little bug during the ending of the game, it wouldn’t move on to the next objective after reaching the bridge. Even restarted my PC a few times and still nothing.However, I did love your game and probably the best Siren Head game I’ve seen-so far. I’ll be looking out for more of your work, consider me a fan. Here’s a video of your game, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed playing your game! Thank you for your time!!
Definitely the best Siren Head game out there right now, props to you for making this an actual fun experience. I made a video if anyone would like to check it out.
Probably the best Siren Head game I've played so far, I literally ragequit in this gameplay however I completed it after and had to say, it is one detailed game!
Issue with completing the game, seems the objective marker appears too high on the bridge section and you can't advance from there. Hopefully get's fixed soon :)
I know that I've already posted a comment on this game, but this is the best game I've seen in years, and I have a few suggestions that I think could improve it.
First of all, an idea somebody else mentioned in another comment which I'd like to elaborate on. I think as you continue to play, the game should send you in a slow descent of terror. This can be done through shadows beginning to resemble Siren Head, your screen slowly beginning to glitch out, your ammo count decreasing without you shooting, making the player question everything that they do, locations that they've previously been to should suddenly be overgrown with dead trees and roots, and an idea I think is especially good, which could be the trees seemingly becoming closer and closer to the path.
This would be a hard one to implement, so I'm not exactly expecting to see this feature. I think when you pick up the rifle you should have no ammunition, and your character should say something along the lines of "There must be some ammunition around here". In the ranger's tower there could be three draws. One with ammunition, one empty, and one locked. You could add an extremely hard and risky side quest that rewards you with a key that opens the draw. Inside you will find a flare gun. I don't think there should be an option to take it out. When you find the location where you were supposed to meet the police but find that Siren Head got there first and rushes you, I think everything should stop for three seconds, and two options should come up on your screen that you only have access to if you collected the flare gun. One is to fire it at Siren Head, and the other is to fire it in the air. If you choose to shoot Siren Head, you should regain control of your character and be able to run. But as you can guess, Siren Head will ultimately catch up. The second option should have you look up in the sky and fire it off. After that, a cutscene should play which pans over everywhere you've been, and I think should end with a shot of a bloody picture of you and all of your friends, with the edges parts ripped off. Specifically the faces of all of your friends should be blotted out with blood. I think during the cutscene you should hear two rangers talking over a radio. I have a rough idea of what they should say.
"Did you see that?"
"Yeah, that's a flare."
"The only flare gun in the meadows is in the ranger tower!"
"Seems like somebody's in need. Must be the person Kirkman contacted."
"Luckily we dispatched those rangers when we did."
"But the cops already got there... I think... I think it got whoever sent off that flare."
"You're right! I heard its sirens right before it went off, but I can't hear them now..."
"We have to call off the rangers."
"But what if anybody survived?"
"Something tells me that's not the case. And if I'm right, whoever it was would most likely want lives to be saved."
To make the game slightly more interactive, there should be lanterns around that you can turn on and off. It would reinforce the feeling of safety in some areas like the cellar, and make you even less comfortable leaving them.
When I played this game, I wanted to see what happens when pressing z so I pressed z and nothing happened. When i pressed it again he came running towards me and when he got to me i was between his legs and everywhere I went he followed me. I love this bug though cause he was like my best friend :). I still think that this game is amazing and very well made.
I absolutely loved this game! Couldn't get it to spawn the text at the bridge so had to end there but overall the BEAT Sirenhead game I've played! Highly recommend!
Great start! Glad to see a game of this type be more than just collecting pages. There's some actual gameplay here! I'd love to see even more added to it, but it works really well as a short experience as well.
Notes on what I liked: - Good title/intro sequence. I like the music. That's a tough one to get right. - Nice aesthetic. I really like the look of it with the slightly blurry VHS look. Not overdone. - The lighting and fog are done very well to still allow you to see while helping to disorient the player. - The ambient sounds are great. I especially like the driving sequence at the beginning. - The rifle. Like a security blanket that doesn't quite make you feel safe enough. Love it. I saw some people suggest letting you use the scope & I thought even a reticle might be nice, but I later thought haphazardly pointing in the right direction really adds a layer of panic, so its great as is to me.
Some suggestions/creative criticism: - I'd like to hear the player's character voiced for the intro and directives as there's other voice work done. - Regular forest noises before the camp sequence would provide a nice contrast to the 'spooky' noises in the later game. (owls, deer running, etc) You can mix them together afterwards as well. Space them out, have some silence in between. Make the players jump. - You could literally make them jump at shadows as well. Draw things out, make Sirenhead appear less frequently maybe and have the player shooting at the moving shadows of the forest as they become more & more panicked. *You did a great job setting the tone with the sounds and visuals, but I think you can really ramp it up with some more tweaking.*
- As the 'Frame Rate' setting showed settings in Hz I'm assuming those are Refresh Rate settings. - The pop up directions really take the player out of the action. A short overlay at the bottom like 'Press C to crouch' without pausing would work. Let the player figure it out & sweat a little. - Checkpoints. Same as above. If you have to replay from the start, it desensitizes you to the experience. 1st one right before grabbing the rifle. Get the player right back into the action. - No view of the ping if you're facing the wrong direction. Maybe an arrow pointing to the side you need to turn to see it. (Though personally I think making the player wander around a little isn't a bad thing in this setting. Getting a little lost adds to the fear as long as the player doesn't get frustrated.)
Hope the feedback helps. Good luck! I hope to see more from you!
As I've seen in another comment as well, when i open the game it triggers SteamVR features; so I have to ask the developer UndreamedPanic.. Are you planning on making this VR capable? That is an unbelievably good, and unbelievably scary idea.... I hope for that.
Pretty spooky game but I think Siren Head was bugged for me because he couldn't kill me. I enjoyed the game still and included it in a 3 game gameplay that I will link below if you are interested, gameplay starts at 1:10
There are a couple bugs, if you spam z siren head cant get you, and also idk what happened to my game but i cant die normally, otherwise pretty spooky game
The Developer will definitely fix that, but only because people bring it up in this game's comments. Good job. All these important comments are read i bet.
I'm gonna play it and review the shit out of it. From watching Youtuber IGP (IGP's vid) and (Markiplier's Vid) Markiplier's experiences , this is the way a game about this creature should be.
No good ending. Atmospheric to the point where you feel there. Absolutely wonderful design. Two things I saw in the video are to be fixed however. One is the floating Sirenheads, the second is the (just kidding, nothing bad about it) Not able to save feature, as i see and feel often that pulling up a menu and saving every step gets you out of the game and ruins the experience to an extent. Maybe a lot at times. I love the classic game over screen when he gets to you, as a jump-scare that isn't cheaply played; but in my imagination there could be an animation of... your character looking up (slight smooth forced camera pan), and Sirenhead making a noise to fit the situation, then he slashes at you, then the screen turns 'Game over' then to black, you and your character scream as he beats you to death; all in the span of a few seconds...
...fading out for a few more. Back to the title screen. If i got scared just by watching a video with somebody playing it kinda with me, then... playing it by myself will be a truly horrifying experience.
This game looks amazing and deserves to be developed much more, and the creator deserves the funds to do so. I will give him a sum of more than 5 after I play it. I am enjoying this a lot! :)
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This is great! I really like the feeling and atmosphere it gave off. Obviously there were one or two iffy areas, but overall it felt good. You captured the feeling of Trevor Henderson's art really well (I kept on expecting to see some of his other monsters in the woods - Long Horse, Cartoon Cat, etc - so props to you).
I BROKE The Siren Head Game... 😅
So i think i got unlucky with glitches and bugs BUT it made it fun! This was a good project with some good horror elements, can't wait to see more!
1.4 impossible to play. You just die for no reason. It's like siren head does the *teleports behind you* "nothing personal, kid" meme.
Sorry to hear that! a minute ago I just updated the game with a fix to that. Thanks for playing!
This was fantastic, you've really perfected the atmosphere and Sirenhead but you really need to fix the ggame breaking bugs
I watched Markiplier's and Jacksepticeye's video on this game and man is it awesome. I really like that music that plays in the menu. Anywhere I can find that?
Ver 1.4.0 - Cannot play at all, there is a glitch that let SirenHead kill you immediately but the problem is you never saw him anywhere??
I just fixed it about 1 minute ago! Thanks for letting me know, it wasnt happening on my end so it was tricky to replicate.
Just wanted to ask for help again, my screen is still stretched even tho the resolution is 1080p and it became stretched when I clicked fullscreen. I can't change the setting anymore for some reason too, any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure if this is intended or not, v1.4.0,but at some points where I just started walking at the beginning or investigate the tent in the camp site, my character suddenly starts getting hurt by seemengly the air, and after a few hits, Siren Head appears right behind me and kills me. I'm not sure if I'm not doing a mechanic or if its a bug. But it's not letting me progress at all.
Same, unplayable at this moment
Hey there! I'm sorry about the bug, I just added a fix to it about a minute ago!
I plan on getting more people involved with the game since its just me doing all the work, so I can turn this into a full fledged game!
Im really looking forward to it, once I'm done recording I'll be sure to donate a little bit so the full game hopefully happens, its the best one yet! :D
Love the new update. The only problem I seem to have right now is the issue with siren head killing me literally anywhere on the map he is not. I can start the game and die immediately without even seeing him, bringing me to a spot not even close to where I was. I imagine this is an issue with hit detection for siren head in combination with a issue retaining to siren head's ability to detect the player.
Hey there! I figured out what was causing it and I patched it in the new 1.4.1 update which is ready now! Sorry about the inconvinience!
That's great news! You have done an excellent job on the game so far. It is the perfect portrayal of such a creep and disturbing character.
I played it! (v1.3.1)
From watching Youtuber IGP (IGP's vid) and (Markiplier's Vid) Markiplier's experiences , this is STILL exactly the way a game about this creature should be.
No good ending. Atmospheric to the point where you feel there. Absolutely wonderful design. I still love the classic game over screen when he gets to you, as a jump-scare that isn't cheaply played; but in my imagination there could be an animation of... your character looking up (slight smooth forced camera pan), and Sirenhead making a noise to fit the situation, then he slashes at you, then the screen turns 'Game over' then to black, you and your character scream as he beats you to death; all in the span of a few seconds...
...fading out for a few more. Back to the title screen. As sometimes he just stands over you. I got soo fucking into the game it was like real life, and that was dreadful. I try to get into the game whenever possible, and the specific way this game was created makes that super Easy! In short, This game is awesome, the creator is awesome...
This game looks amazing and deserves to be developed much more, and the creator deserves the funds to do so. I'm figuring out how to give this boi 50 bucks to help him out. I am enjoying this a lot! >:)
Nice! I'm tempted to try and play it in forced VR!
I might have found a dead-alive glitch? Completely terrifying!
Dev Update:
Thanks to everyone being patient while I update the game, I am aware of some bugs and working hard to get things fixed!
I am also working on a Checkpoint system, its just kinda complicated and not ready in this update.
In the meantime I can only push small updates for minor gameplay advantages and thus may not get to some bugs right away.
I am currently trying to make the current story even longer with many more endings and mechanics as well so I dont want to take too long but also dont want to rush this.
If you run it as an .exe and you get an error or it crashes, Please update your NVIDIA Drivers as out-dated Drivers wont be able to handle the d3d file and you will notice the game crashes after the intro splash screen.
Fucking amazing, you're awesome!
I wrote an original song on sirehead and used your game for the video.
Hope you like it :)
Okay.... so, this game looks great however I am running into one problem. I'm sure other people are having some kind of similar problem but if anyone could possibly help me, that would be great. Bear with me though, I am not very smart (hence the username)
So I went ahead and downloaded the game however I cannot get it to run. When I open the game, the credit sequence at the beginning plays, and then the game kind of freezes, and I receive the message in the screenshot included in this comment.
It stays frozen until I click on "OK", and then if I do that, the game crashes.
I haven't really had this issue with any other UE4 games and I've seen plenty of other people play it so I know other people are able to get it to work. It could be my computer, but then how come it only seems to happen with THIS SPECIFIC UE4 game?
The first thing I thought of was searching the issue, but I couldn't find any solutions that worked. I am on a laptop, so there were a lot of solutions that I couldn't use. I also do not own a NVIDIA GPU, which could be a big part of the issue.
A lot of the solutions were things I don't know how to do as well, probably because I use a laptop. Changing graphics cards, disabling overclocking, ect. Maybe I just don't have a good enough computer to handle the game?
I also tried unplugging the computer and opening the game, and opening the game with it plugged in. Still had the same problem either way. One thing I haven't tried is reinstalling the game, so maybe that might work.
If anyone could help me resolve this issue, I would much appreciate it.
Amazing game has a lot of scares in it very well made !!!
This sirenhead game is so great!
when is the next update
Bout a few
I played this game and it really is the best sirenhead game out there!!
I played your game and I had a little bug during the ending of the game, it wouldn’t move on to the next objective after reaching the bridge. Even restarted my PC a few times and still nothing.However, I did love your game and probably the best Siren Head game I’ve seen-so far. I’ll be looking out for more of your work, consider me a fan. Here’s a video of your game, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed playing your game! Thank you for your time!!
i also faced the same problem lol..
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. It was so confusing..
i love this game too and this game need like more graphic setting and optimization
Definitely the best Siren Head game out there right now, props to you for making this an actual fun experience. I made a video if anyone would like to check it out.
The game looks like the most amazing thing ever, but sadly I can't play because Im on a macOS, and this is a Microsoft game :(
Love that there is a story to it, i hate that it makes you feel safe for a second and then back out again :D
can u put more graphic settings
the game is to lagy
The screen is stretched by default so I can't change any of the options
that happend to me too
Probably the best Siren Head game I've played so far, I literally ragequit in this gameplay however I completed it after and had to say, it is one detailed game!
Issue with completing the game, seems the objective marker appears too high on the bridge section and you can't advance from there. Hopefully get's fixed soon :)
I know that I've already posted a comment on this game, but this is the best game I've seen in years, and I have a few suggestions that I think could improve it.
"Did you see that?"
"Yeah, that's a flare."
"The only flare gun in the meadows is in the ranger tower!"
"Seems like somebody's in need. Must be the person Kirkman contacted."
"Luckily we dispatched those rangers when we did."
"But the cops already got there... I think... I think it got whoever sent off that flare."
"You're right! I heard its sirens right before it went off, but I can't hear them now..."
"We have to call off the rangers."
"But what if anybody survived?"
"Something tells me that's not the case. And if I'm right, whoever it was would most likely want lives to be saved."
"...yeah, you're probably right. I'll alert Kirkman."
When I played this game, I wanted to see what happens when pressing z so I pressed z and nothing happened. When i pressed it again he came running towards me and when he got to me i was between his legs and everywhere I went he followed me. I love this bug though cause he was like my best friend :). I still think that this game is amazing and very well made.
loved this game! Best siren head game ive played! Please check out my video on it below :)
Great start! Glad to see a game of this type be more than just collecting pages. There's some actual gameplay here! I'd love to see even more added to it, but it works really well as a short experience as well.
Notes on what I liked:
- Good title/intro sequence. I like the music. That's a tough one to get right.
- Nice aesthetic. I really like the look of it with the slightly blurry VHS look. Not overdone.
- The lighting and fog are done very well to still allow you to see while helping to disorient the player.
- The ambient sounds are great. I especially like the driving sequence at the beginning.
- The rifle. Like a security blanket that doesn't quite make you feel safe enough. Love it. I saw some people suggest letting you use the scope & I thought even a reticle might be nice, but I later thought haphazardly pointing in the right direction really adds a layer of panic, so its great as is to me.
Some suggestions/creative criticism:
- I'd like to hear the player's character voiced for the intro and directives as there's other voice work done.
- Regular forest noises before the camp sequence would provide a nice contrast to the 'spooky' noises in the later game. (owls, deer running, etc) You can mix them together afterwards as well. Space them out, have some silence in between. Make the players jump.
- You could literally make them jump at shadows as well. Draw things out, make Sirenhead appear less frequently maybe and have the player shooting at the moving shadows of the forest as they become more & more panicked.
*You did a great job setting the tone with the sounds and visuals, but I think you can really ramp it up with some more tweaking.*
- As the 'Frame Rate' setting showed settings in Hz I'm assuming those are Refresh Rate settings.
- The pop up directions really take the player out of the action. A short overlay at the bottom like 'Press C to crouch' without pausing would work. Let the player figure it out & sweat a little.
- Checkpoints. Same as above. If you have to replay from the start, it desensitizes you to the experience. 1st one right before grabbing the rifle. Get the player right back into the action.
- No view of the ping if you're facing the wrong direction. Maybe an arrow pointing to the side you need to turn to see it. (Though personally I think making the player wander around a little isn't a bad thing in this setting. Getting a little lost adds to the fear as long as the player doesn't get frustrated.)
Hope the feedback helps. Good luck! I hope to see more from you!
As I've seen in another comment as well, when i open the game it triggers SteamVR features; so I have to ask the developer UndreamedPanic.. Are you planning on making this VR capable? That is an unbelievably good, and unbelievably scary idea.... I hope for that.
Pretty spooky game but I think Siren Head was bugged for me because he couldn't kill me. I enjoyed the game still and included it in a 3 game gameplay that I will link below if you are interested, gameplay starts at 1:10
Hmmm, two people at the relatively same time, with the same problem that "I can't die normally"
There are a couple bugs, if you spam z siren head cant get you, and also idk what happened to my game but i cant die normally, otherwise pretty spooky game
The Developer will definitely fix that, but only because people bring it up in this game's comments. Good job. All these important comments are read i bet.
I'm gonna play it and review the shit out of it. From watching Youtuber IGP (IGP's vid) and (Markiplier's Vid) Markiplier's experiences , this is the way a game about this creature should be.
No good ending. Atmospheric to the point where you feel there. Absolutely wonderful design. Two things I saw in the video are to be fixed however. One is the floating Sirenheads, the second is the (just kidding, nothing bad about it) Not able to save feature, as i see and feel often that pulling up a menu and saving every step gets you out of the game and ruins the experience to an extent. Maybe a lot at times. I love the classic game over screen when he gets to you, as a jump-scare that isn't cheaply played; but in my imagination there could be an animation of... your character looking up (slight smooth forced camera pan), and Sirenhead making a noise to fit the situation, then he slashes at you, then the screen turns 'Game over' then to black, you and your character scream as he beats you to death; all in the span of a few seconds...
...fading out for a few more. Back to the title screen. If i got scared just by watching a video with somebody playing it kinda with me, then... playing it by myself will be a truly horrifying experience.
This game looks amazing and deserves to be developed much more, and the creator deserves the funds to do so. I will give him a sum of more than 5 after I play it. I am enjoying this a lot! :)